Principal Investigator, Prof. Jaekwang Lee
Department of Physics, Pusan National University
Office : Research & Laboratory Building (311), 614
Tel: +82-51-510-2227
Fax: +82-51-510-7664
E-mail: jaekwangl(at)pusan(dot)ac(dot)kr
Research Interest
- - First-Principles Study of the Interfaces.
- - Spectroscopy Simulation.
- - Materials Design for Energy Applications.
- The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, Austin USA
- - Ph.D. in Physics,2004 - Sept. 2010
- - Thesis Topic : Emerging phenomena in oxide Heterostructures
- - Thesis Adviser : Prof. Alexander A. Demkov
- Korea University, Seoul Korea
- - Left Ph.D. in Physics in mid-course2003
- Military Service
- - Completing military service as a sergeant,2000
- Korea University, Seoul Korea
- - B.S. and M.S. in Physics,1998
- Physics and Chemistry of Surface and Interfaces (PCSI)
- - Young Scientist Award,2010
- Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)
- - KOSEF Scholarship.2001
- Department of Physics at Korea University
- - BAEK WUN Scholarship.1996-1997
- J. Lee, Z. Yang, W. Zhou, S. J. Pennycook, S. T. Pantelides and M. F. Chisholm,
- “Stabilization of graphene nanopore.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 111, 7522 (2014).
- J. Park, J. Lee (co-first), L. Liu, C. Durand, B. G. Sumpter, A. P. Baddorf, M. Yoon, G. Gu and A. Li,
- “Spatially Resolved One-Dimensional Boundary States in Graphene-Hexagonal Boron Nitride Planar Heterostructures.” Nat. Commun., 5, 5403 (2014).
- J. Guo, J. Lee (co-first), C. I. Contescu, N. C. Gallego, S. T. Pantelides, S. J. Pennycook, M. F. Chisholm,
- “Crown ethers in graphene.” Nat. Commun., 5:5389 (2014).
- J. Lee, W. Zhou, J.-C. Idrobo, S. J. Pennycook and S. T. Pantelides,
- “Direct visualization of reversible dynamics of a Si6 cluster embedded in graphene pore.” Nat. Commun., 4, 1650 (2013).
- J. Lee, C. Lin and A. A. Demkov,
- “Metal-induced charge transfer, structural distortion and orbital order in SrTiO3 thin films.” Phys. Rev. B 87, 1651034 (2013).
- W. Zhou, J. Lee, J. Nanda, S. J. Pennycook, S. T. Pantelides and J.-C. Idrobo,
- “Atomically Localized Plasmon Resonance in Monolayer Graphene.” Nat. Nanotechnol., 7, 161 (2012) .
- J. Lee, S. J. Pennycook and S. T. Pantelides,
- “Simultaneous enhancement of electronic and Li+ ion conductivity in LiFePO4.” Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 033901 (2012).
- J. Lee, W. Zhou, J.-C. Idrobo, S. J. Pennycook and S. T. Pantelides,
- “Vacancy-driven anisotropic defect distribution in the novel battery-cathode material LiFePO4.” Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 085507 (2011).